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What's So Good About Green-Lipped Mussels?

Written by Ella White


dog running across beach

You’ve probably never heard of green-lipped mussels. After all, they’re not the type you’d order with creamy sauce and fries at your favorite seafood spot. They are, however, believed to be one of the most effective ways of treating joint pain in dogs. So what are green-lipped mussels, where do they come from, and what do they do for dogs?

What Are Green Lipped Mussels?

The green-lipped mussels is a mollusk found exclusively off the coast of New Zealand. They are characterized by the green edges on their shells, which stands out from the usual dark blue we’re more accustomed to seeing.

They’re packed with nutrients, and have been used by New Zealand’s indiginous Maori people for centuries. Evidence shows that Maoris who live by the coast and eat these mussels have incredibly low incidence of arthritis, which is not displayed in Maoris that live inland. This has led researchers to believe that green-lipped mussels can help prevent and treat osteoarthritis in both humans and dogs.

What Are The Benefits Of Green Lipped Mussels For Dogs?

Green-lipped mussels are rich in zinc, magnesium, glucosamine, and chondroitin, which are all known to aid joint pain. They also contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA. These are known to reduce inflammation – one of the main symptoms of arthritis – and help prevent the pain associated with it.

Green-lipped mussels are also the only known source of eicosatetraenoic acid, or ETA, which binds inflammation-causing enzymes and further prevents joint issues.

Has There Been Scientific Research?

A number of scientific studies into green-lipped mussels have found that they’re useful in treating arthritis in dogs as well as humans. One such study gave dogs with arthritis an 8-week course of green-lipped mussel preparation and found that those who took it suffered less pain, had fewer mobility issues, and needed less of their non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs that usually helped them deal with the pain when compared to those given a placebo.

In another study, scientists found that green-lipped mussels can prevent inflammation without causing the gastrointestinal irritation connected with the use of NSAID treatment in dogs. This has led many scientists and vets to believe that green-lipped mussels are beneficial for any dogs with joint issues, arthritis, and other chronic inflammatory diseases. Since one in five dogs are expected to suffer with arthritis in their lifetime, this is considered a huge breakthrough in their treatment.

Furthermore, because the waters around New Zealand are regularly tested for biotoxins, and because green-lipped mussels aren’t harvested if levels are found to be too high, these mollusks have a very low chance of being polluted.

How Do I Give Green Lipped Mussels To My Dog?

Unless you live in New Zealand where green-lipped mussels can be found fresh in the wild, it’s likely that you’ll need to find them in supplement form to support your dog’s joint care. These can be taken as tablets or combined with their food as a powder

Though there are no serious concerns linked with dogs consuming green-lipped mussels, there is also no defined dose for dogs taking these supplements. However, some vets suggest a daily limit of 500 mg for small dogs, 750 mg for medium-sized dogs, and 1000 mg for large dogs.

Front of the Pack’s Soothe supplement is a vet-approved, targeted pain relief for dogs with arthritis and joint issues. It’s made with Omega-3 fish oil – a major component of green-lipped mussels – in concentrated powder form. This enriches skin cell membranes and supports healthy skin and inflammatory balance. Fed to your furry friend daily, you’ll see them back on their feet and moving around without pain in no time.

If your dog suffers from a shellfish allergy, do not feed them green-lipped mussels, and speak to a vet before adding any new ingredients or supplements to their diet.